Welcome to the Argentinian-American Schema Therapy Institute website. Our mission is to offer training in this effective evidence – based psychotherapy. Our clinical department also offers you the possibility to do psychotherapy with one of our excellent mental health professionals. If you are a mental health professional you can sign up for our schema therapy training (in Spanish) that will lead to the international certification of the International Schema Therapy Society
You will also be able to attend international webinars that our institute organizes during the year. If you are a mental health professional, we also suggest you to participate in the therapist’s self-workshops. Many colleagues have told us that these workshops were very useful to learn about and heal their dysfunctional schemas and modes that interfere in their personal and professional lives
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Scott Kellogg, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and addiction psychologist in private practice in New York. He trained in Gestalt Therapy at Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy in New York and is certified as an Advanced Schema Therapist by the International Society of Schema Therapy.
Wijngaart is a psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor in cognitive behavioral therapy and schema therapy in an independent practice in Maastricht (www.perspectiefmaastricht.nl.) Between 1995 and 2016 he worked as a therapist in a mental health outpatient…
With 30 years of graduate training and advanced level certifications, Wendy Behary is the founder and director of The Cognitive Therapy Center of New Jersey and The Schema Therapy Institutes of NJ-NYC and DC.
“Dr. Patricia Escudero Rotman is an enthusiastic Schema Therapy trainer who bases her clinical strategies on research studies and her extensive professional experience. She was trained by Dr. Jeffrey Young, creator of Schema Therapy and by the best trainers of the International Society for Schema Therapy (ISST). Dr. Rotman …”
Robin Spiro
LCSW | Outline Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer with Advanced Certification
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“Dr. Patricia Escudero Rotman is a compassionate, motivated and highly competent Therapist, Clinical Supervisor and Outline Therapy Trainer. Her vast experience includes, among others, participating in the triage center during the 9/11 tragedy to being a Professor of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Patricia has …”
Elizabeth Lacy
LCSW | Clinical Supervisor
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“I have known Dr. Patricia Escudero Rotman for almost 15 years in the Peer Supervision group at the New York Cognitive Center/Schema Therapy Institute. Patricia’s clinical case presentations were always excellent, detailed and with excellent conceptualizations of her patients. I learned many clinical strategies from her…”
Marsha Blank
MA, LCSW | Advanced Level Certified Schema Therapist
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“I have had the pleasure of knowing Dr. Patricia Escudero Rotman for many years. Dr. Rotman is a kind and caring clinical psychologist who brings a valuable combination of talent and sensitivity to her work with her patients, as well as to her trainings. We participated together for many…”
Peregrine Kavros
Ph.D., MBA, HSP-P | Chairperson of the ISST Ethics and Conflict Resolution Committee Director
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“I have known Dr. Patricia Escudero Rotman for almost 15 years in the Peer Supervision group at the New York Cognitive Center/Schema Therapy Institute. Patricia’s clinical case presentations were always excellent, detailed and with excellent conceptualizations of her patients. I learned many clinical strategies from her…”
Hagara Feldman
PhD | Advanced Level Certified Schema Therapist
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We will periodically send you articles, papers and invitations to our webinars.
With 30 years of graduate training and advanced level certifications, Wendy Behary is the founder and director of The Cognitive Therapy Center of New Jersey and The Schema Therapy Institutes of NJ-NYC and DC.
Her private practice is primarily devoted to the treatment of narcissists and couples experiencing relationship problems. She is also an expert in interview coaching, public speaking and improving interpersonal skills.
Please contact Wendy if you need more information about the course and/or obtain the discount code
Her email is: wendy.behary@gmail.com
Con 30 años de formación de postgrado y certificaciones de nivel avanzado, Wendy Behary es la fundadora y directora de The Cognitive Therapy Center of New Jersey y The Schema Therapy Institutes of NJ-NYC and DC.
Su práctica privada se dedica principalmente al tratamiento de narcisistas, parejas / personas que tratan con ellos, y las parejas que experimentan problemas de relación. También es experta en coaching para entrevistas, oratoria y mejora de las habilidades interpersonales.
Por favor contacte a Wendy si precisa más información del curso y/o obtener el cupón de descuento
Su email es: wendy.behary@gmail.com
He is a psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor in cognitive behavioral therapy and schema therapy in an independent practice in Maastricht (www.perspectiefmaastricht.nl.) Between 1995 and 2016 he worked as a therapist in a mental health outpatient facility for anxiety, eating, somatoform and personality disorders (Riagg Maastricht). During this period, he participated in several treatment studies on the efficacy of CBT with various disorders and Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder, Cluster C personality disorders and Group Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder. He was trained in Schema Therapy by Aaron Beck, Jeffrey Young, Joan Farrell and Ida Shaw. For several years he was under the supervision of Dr. Jeff Young along with several colleagues.
Together with David Bernstein, he has been teaching Schema Therapy in the forensic setting and has evaluated therapists during treatment training on their competence as Schema Therapists.
In addition to his clinical work, since 2000 he has also regularly taught workshops, lectures and supervision in Schema Therapy, both nationally and internationally (including the UK, Switzerland, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Australia).
As part of this training, he published together with David Bernstein, a DVD production (in English) about how to work with modes in Schema Therapy (2010). These videos have been used worldwide for training and supervision of schema therapists. He has also supported other DVD projects in the field of Schema Therapy in collaboration with several teachers in the Netherlands and Australia. The most recent production “Schema Therapy Step by Step” was made together with Hannie van Genderen. This production follows the whole process of Schema Therapy from the first to the last session.
From July 2016 until 2018 Remco was vice president of the ISST (International Schema Therapy Society).
He is a clinical psychologist and addiction psychologist in private practice in New York. He trained in Gestalt Therapy at Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy in New York and is certified as an Advanced Schema Therapist by the International Society of Schema Therapy and as a Voice Dialogue Practitioner by the New York Institute for Voice Dialogue. Dr. Kellogg has been on the faculty of New York University, Rockefeller University, Yale University School of Medicine, and Teachers College/Columbia University Clinical Psychology Program. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in 1993.
Dr. Kellogg was Chair of the Addictions Division of the New York State Psychological Association (2015, 2011, 2005, 2005, 2001) and co-director of the Harm Reduction and Mental Health Project at New York University. His writings and presentations have addressed topics such as schema therapy, chairwork, addiction treatment, harm reduction, identity theory, and contingency management.
Es psicoterapeuta, formador y supervisor en terapia cognitivo-conductual y terapia de esquemas en una consulta independiente en Maastricht, www.perspectiefmaastricht.nl. Entre 1995 y 2016 trabajó como terapeuta en una institución de atención ambulatoria de salud mental para trastornos de ansiedad, alimentación, somatomorfos y de personalidad (Riagg Maastricht). Durante este período participó en varios estudios de tratamiento sobre la eficacia de la TCC con varios trastornos y la Terapia de Esquemas para el Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad, los trastornos de personalidad del clúster C y la Terapia de Esquemas Grupal para el Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad. Fue entrenado en Terapia de Esquemas por Aaron Beck, Jeffrey Young, Joan Farell e Ida Shaw. Durante varios años estuvo bajo la supervisión de J. Young junto con varios colegas.
Junto con David Bernstein, ha estado enseñando Terapia de Esquemas en el ámbito forense y ha evaluado a terapeutas durante la formación de tratamiento sobre su competencia como Terapeutas de Esquemas.
Además de su trabajo clínico, desde el año 2000 también ha impartido regularmente talleres, lecturas y supervisión en Terapia de Esquemas, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional (incluyendo el Reino Unido, Suiza, Polonia, Rusia, Ucrania y Australia).
En el marco de esta formación, publicó junto con David Bernstein, un DVD en inglés Schema Therapy, working with modes en 2010, que se utiliza en todo el mundo para la formación y supervisión de terapeutas de esquemas. También ha apoyado otros proyectos de DVD en el campo de la Terapia de Esquemas en colaboración con varios profesores de los Países Bajos y Australia. La producción más reciente Schema Therapy Step by Step fue realizada junto con Hannie van Genderen. Esta producción sigue todo el proceso de la Terapia de Esquemas desde la primera hasta la última sesión.
Desde julio de 2016 hasta 2018 Remco fue vicepresidente de la ISST (Asociación Internacional de Terapia de Esquemas).
Es psicólogo clínico y psicólogo especializado en adicciones con consulta privada en Nueva York. Se formó en Terapia Gestalt en Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy en Nueva York y está certificado como Terapeuta de Esquemas Avanzado por la International Society of Schema Therapy y como Practicante del Diálogo de Voces por el New York Institute for Voice Dialogue. El Dr. Kellogg ha formado parte del profesorado de la Universidad de Nueva York, la Universidad Rockefeller, la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Yale y el Programa de Psicología Clínica del Teachers College/Universidad de Columbia. Se doctoró en Psicología Clínica por el Graduate Center de la City University of New York en 1993.
El Dr. Kellogg fue Presidente de la División de Adicciones de la Asociación de Psicología del Estado de Nueva York (20015, 2011, 2005, 2001) y codirector del Proyecto de Reducción de Daños y Salud Mental de la Universidad de Nueva York. Sus escritos y presentaciones han abordado temas como la Terapia de Esquemas, el Chairwork, el tratamiento de adicciones, la reducción de daños, la teoría de la identidad y la gestión de contingencias.